Lidcombe Organic Waste Transfer Site

Update 9 October 2024

I wanted to let you know about an important update regarding the the Lidcombe tip.

The council has done a preliminary review of the newly submitted development application (DA2024/0512) but has returned it back to the developers.

At this stage, the council will not be processing the application due to the application missing key information required for a proper assessment.

It is highly likely that a new development application on the proposal may be submitted by the developers in the near future.

As always, I will keep you updated on any further developments and information on this issue so that we can ensure we get the best outcome for our Lidcombe community.


Update 1 October 2024

The developer has re-submitted the development application (DA2024/5012) for the proposed Lidcombe tip. The details of the DA can be found here on the Cumberland Council website: Find an Application (

Earlier this year, due to community pressure and advocacy, the developer of 109A Church St, Lidcombe withdrew their development application for the Lidcombe tip (DA2023/0130).

It’s unclear what changes the applicant has now made to their previous application.

However, it is clear to me that Lidcombe residents will continue to oppose this proposal. That’s why I have already written to Cumberland Council to relay the community’s opposition to the tip. I have also asked council to ensure that communications regarding this development application are distributed widely and translated into other languages.

We know that when the Lidcombe community participate in the process, stay engaged, and make their voices heard, we can make a real difference.

Once council begins accepting submission on the proposal, I strongly encourage all Lidcombe residents to submit their feedback and concerns. I will let you know when this process is opened.

As always, I will keep you updated on any further developments and information on this issue so that we can ensure we get the best outcome for the Lidcombe community.


Update 27 May 2024

Earlier this year, due to community pressure and advocacy the developer withdrew the development application for the Lidcombe tip.

Recently, you may have seen a letter sent out to Lidcombe residents seeking feedback and support as part of an initial consultation for a new development application to build the waste transfer facility. So far, it is unclear what changes the applicant has made to their previous application and where they are going to seek authority for approval.

It is important the community express their concerns about the proposed tip. To ensure that your voices are heard, make sure to email your concerns to [email protected].

I have also written a letter to the developer expressing the community’s objections to the proposed tip outlining the impact the proposal will have on the local community.

I would like to thank Mayor Lisa Lake, and Clrs Kun Huang and Sabrin Farooqui for their swift response to ensure that Lidcombe residents know what’s happening and how to make their voices heard.

Update 1 March 2024

Thanks to community pressure the proposed Lidcombe waste transfer station has now been withdrawn by the developer. 

It is clear that community effort and shared commitment has led to this significant outcome for the Lidcombe community

I would like to thank all the residents who participated in the process and made sure that their voices were heard. I would also like to thank the Mayor and councillors from Cumberland Council and the State Member for Auburn Lynda Voltz MP for their tireless work and advocacy.

The applicant will now consider their options.


Update 26 February 2024

The Sydney Central City Planning Panel public meeting for the proposed Lidcombe organic waste transfer station (DA2023/0130) will be held on Thursday, 7 March from 11am.

It is clear the overwhelming majority of residents are opposed to this development. I will be making a submission to the panel to raise concerns from the local community.

If you wish to speak at the meeting, you should contact the Planning Panels Secretariat before 4pm on Tuesday, 5 March 2024. You can contact them on (02) 8217 2060 or email [email protected].

You can access the meeting here:

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 271 065 930 632
Passcode: uCHw2C
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I would like to thank all the residents who have spoken or written to me about their concerns with this development.


Update 14 February 2024

If you wish to speak or listen to the meeting, you should contact the Planning Panels Secretariat before 4pm on Tuesday, 5 March 2024 via (02) 8217 2060 or email [email protected].


Please be advised that there will be an audio recording of the meeting that will be made publicly available. Please be aware that this may include your personal information if you are presenting to the panel.


Update 13 February 2024

Cumberland Council has completed its assessment of the proposed Lidcombe waste transfer station located at 109A Church St, Lidcombe (DA2023/0130) and have recommended to refuse the development application.
The next step is for the Sydney Central City Planning Panel to consider this proposal.
The panel will be holding a public meeting about the development application at 11am on 7 March. It will be held online via Microsoft Teams video conference. We will be sharing the link to the meeting once we have it available.
State Member for Auburn Lynda Voltz and I will be at the meeting to raise concerns from the local community about the development application.
Cumberland Council has sent the development application, assessment report and public submissions to the Sydney Central City Planning Panel for determination and will also be making a submission to the panel.
I would like to thank the Lidcombe community who participated in the process, made submissions, and made their voices heard.

Update 4 December 2023

I've been informed by Cumberland Council that they have received all required information from the applicant and are continuing to process the assessment for the development application.

The almost 2,000 submissions received from the community will e considered as part of the assessment. Thanks to all the residents who participated in the process and made submissions.

The Council anticipates that the assessment of DA2023/0130 will be completed in February 2024. The application will then be sent to the Sydney Central Planning Panel for a final decision. They will host a public forum to collect further feedback from residents prior to a decision being made. Once we have more information about this forum, I will let you know the details.

In August 2023, Mayor of Cumberland Council, Lisa Lake moved a Mayoral Minute requesting the General Manager prepare a draft submission the Panel, independent of the Council planning team, reflecting the community's concerns and opposing the proposal.

As the local Federal member of Parliament, I will also be making a submission to the Sydney Central Planning Panel to express the local community's concerns with this proposal.


Update 18 August 2023

Thanks to the hundreds of residents who came to the public meeting (13 August) hosted by Cumberland Council about the proposed organic waste facility. The Council received almost 2000 submissions about the facility proposed for 109A Church St, Lidcombe (DA2023/0130).

It's clear to me the local community oppose this development and I have written a submission to Cumberland Council to convey these concerns. 

I want to make sure residents have the information you need to make your views heard. I have uploaded the presentation provided at the public meeting onto my website, it includes a timeline for decision making and next steps. You can find the presentations here: 

I have also written to the General manager of Cumberland Council asking for information about when there will be further opportunities for the community to make their concerns known. Once I've received that information, I'll make sure to send you an update.

On Wednesday 16 August, during a Cumberland Council Meeting, Mayor Lisa Lake moved a Mayoral Minute requesting the General manager prepare a draft submission to the Sydney Central Planning Committee to oppose the proposal.

Thanks to all the residents who participated in the process and made submissions. I would also like to thank Mayor Lisa Lake, and Councillors Kun Huang, Sabrin Farooqui and Helen Hughes for their tireless advocacy on this issue.


Update 8 August 2023

On Tuesday 8 August, I gave a speech in Parliament to highlight concerns about the waste facility and express my support for Lidcombe residents.


Update 4 August 2023

Thank you to everyone that had their say and made a submission to the Council regarding development application for the Lidcombe organic waste transfer facility.

I have written to Cumberland Council representing and relaying the concerns the residents have on the impact that the proposal will have on the local community. Please find a copy of this below.

Cumberland Council will be holding a Council information session on the Lidcombe Traffic Study and the status of the proposal of the organic waste transfer facility at 109A Church St, Lidcombe (DA2023/0130).


  • Date: Sunday 13 August 2023
  • Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
  • Location: The Renaissance, 3 New St E, Lidcombe NSW 2141

Translation services will be available at the event.

If you have any questions or queries, please email [email protected]


7 July 2023

Cumberland Council is currently considering a private proposal to build an organic waste transfer station on Church Street in Lidcombe. While the Federal Government is not involved with this proposal, I thought it was important local residents were made aware of it.

On Sunday 9 July, I held a community meeting in Lidcombe to give residents more information and to hear directly from them. More than 100 people turned up to express their concerns. 

Cumberland Council is currently accepting submissions on this proposal until 5pm, Friday 14 July.

If you would like to have your say:

  1. Send an email to [email protected]
  2. In the subject line, write DA2023/0130
  3. Submissions must be unique and in your own words
  4. Include your full name, address, contact details (phone number and/or email)

My office will be following the developments of this proposal. Please fill out the form on the right to receive updates.

Please find below a copy of the submission I have made to Cumberland City Council regarding this proposal